Sunday, April 3, 2022

In Vivo Murine Models of Cardiotoxicity Due to Anticancer Drugs: Challenges and Opportunities for Clinical Translation

paythelady.61 shared this article with you from Inoreader


Modern therapeutic approaches have led to an improvement in the chances of surviving a diagnosis of cancer. However, this may come with side effects, with patients experiencing adverse cardiovascular events or exacerbation of underlying cardiovascular disease related to their cancer treatment. Rodent models of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity are useful to define pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac damage and to identify potential therapeutic targets. The key mechanisms involved in cardiotoxicity induced by specific different antineoplastic agents are summarized in this state-of-the-art review, as well as the rodent models of cardiotoxicity by different classes of anticancer drugs, along with the strategies tested for primary and secondary cardioprotection. Current approaches for early detection of cardiotoxicity in preclinical studies with a focus on the application of advanced imaging modalities and biomarker strategies are also discussed.

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Potential applications of cardiotoxicity modelling in rodents are illustrated in relation to the advancements of promising research topics of cardiotoxicity. Created with

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