Sunday, May 29, 2022

3D Reconstruction of Phonatory Glottal Shape and Volume: Effects of Neuromuscular Activation

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
3D Reconstruction of Phonatory Glottal Shape and Volume: Effects of Neuromuscular Activation

In this study, we utilized a 3D reconstruction approach to visualize the vocal fold medial surface during phonation in an in vivo canine hemilarynx, and we obtained direct measurements of glottal movement, and glottal volume waveform, and resulting voice quality. We present the glottal volume waveform as a correlate of laryngeal vibratory dynamics and highlight the importance of intrinsic laryngeal muscles in modulating medial surface dynamics to achieve improved voice quality.


Although phonatory glottal posture and airflow pulse shape affect voice quality, studies to date have been limited by visualization of vocal fold (VF) vibration from a superior view. We performed a 3D reconstruction of VF vibratory motion during phonation from a medial view and assessed the glottal volume waveform and resulting acoustics as a function of neuromuscular stimulation.

Study Design

In vivo canine hemilarynx phonation.


Across 121 unique combinations of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) and recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) stimulation, the hemilarynx was excited to the oscillation with airflow. VF medial surface reference points were tracked on high-speed video, mapped into 3D space, and surface shape was restored using cubic spline interpolation. Glottal surface shape, reconstruction-based parameters, and glottal volume waveform were calculated. Fundamental frequency (F0), cepstral peak prominence (CPP), and harmonic amplitude (H1-H2) were measured from high-quality audio samples.


The glottis was convergent during opening and divergent during closing. Neuromuscular activation changed phonatory glottal shape and reduced glottal volume. Significant reduction in glottal volume and closing quotient were present with SLN stimulation. RLN stimulation significantly increased F0 and CPP and decreased H1-H2 (constricted glottis), while SLN effects were similar and synergistic with concurrent RLN stimulation.


3D reconstruction of in vivo medial surface vibration revealed effects of laryngeal nerve stimulation on glottal vibratory pattern and acoustic correlates of voice quality. SLN activation resulted in significantly quicker glottal closure per cycle, decreased glottal volume, and higher-pitched, less breathy, and less noisy voice. RLN had a similar effect on acoustic measures.

Level of Evidence

N/A, Basic Science Laryngoscope, 2022

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