Monday, July 5, 2021

The Role of Infrahyoid Flap in Tongue Defect Reconstruction Following Tumour Excision

xlomafota13 shared this article with you from Inoreader



Carcinoma tongue is one of the commonest cancer of head and neck in India. Various pedicled and free flaps have been used to reconstruct the tongue defect following glossectomies. In this era of free flaps various loco- regional pedicled flaps have been overlooked and infrahyoid flap is one of them. This flap meets the functional and cosmetic acceptance of the tongue defect reconstruction with minimal morbidity to the donor site. This paper presents author's experience of using infrahyoid flap in 10 patients of carcinoma tongue. In all the patient's tongue defect was closed with the infrahyoid flap, in 1 case flap necrosed fully and in 1 partially. Functional outcome and quality of life in all the patients were acceptable.

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