Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Week In Doom — Diversity Statement Edition

Item More Colleges Are Asking Scholars for Diversity Statements. Here's What You Need to Know (emphasis mine)

The statements tend to be one page, maybe two. In them, scholars are supposed to explain how their experience can bolster institutional efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion. Colleges are under increasing pressure to increase access and completion rates for students from underrepresented backgrounds, the thinking goes, so they should hire faculty members who understand their role in improving those outcomes…

Rodrigues…[is] concerned about how search committees will evaluate the statements. She also worries about backlash. Committee members who are skeptical of intentional efforts to promote equity in the academy might even penalize her.

She's worried there will be a backlash for being too devoted to Diversity!

By requiring them in the hiring process, colleges can signal to scholars of color elsewhere that they are trying to diversify their mostly white faculties. And requiring them for tenure portfolios can prompt faculty members already at a campus, particularly white academics, to think about how they might help create a more welcoming culture.

Diverse means, as we all know, non-white-male. But it also means more, as we'll see below.

Think: if these oaths are not to enforce ideology, why have them at all?

Recall too my prediction that requiring Diversity oaths will move beyond universities and (publicly) into the corporate world this year.

Now this was from the Chronicle of Higher Education, and it's behind a paywall. Searching for it on the standard SJW search engine led to a series of boxes of common questions, which the search engine was kind enough to list.

For instance, the first question was "How long is a diversity statement?" Answer (and these might be subject to change and search engine quirks):

2. Length: Schools vary in their length requirements for both the personal statement and the diversity statement, but in general a personal statement should be two to three double-spaced pages, while a diversity statement is usually significantly shorter. It's often just one double-spaced page — sometimes a bit longer.

Diversity statements are now so routine the answer is banal, and like that for "How long should I leave an apple pie in the oven?"

If you click on the search engine's question, it provides several more questions.

Like "What is a diversity response statement?" Answer:

The goal of the diversity statement is to show how your past experiences have made you a diverse candidate, and how you'll apply that diverse perspective at your target institution in your future research and teaching pursuits. You can achieve this goal by showing how you've overcome a struggle in life.

From this we learn Diversity means struggle.

"What are some examples of diversity?" Answer (ellipsis original):

Diversity consists of all the different factors that make up an individual, including age, gender, culture, religion, personality, social status and sexual orientation. … Usually, cultural diversity takes into account language, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, age and ethnicity.

From this we learn that which you lust after is Diversity.

"Why is it good to have diversity in the workplace?" Answer:

Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers. Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well as outside.

From this we learn Diversity is pure politics. It is pure politics because the only good it does is "manifesting" a "great reputation". And, they imply, the great reputation leads to "increased profitability and opportunities".

"What is an inclusion statement?" Answer (ellipsis original):

The goal for each program, chapter or league should be to become an organization where diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of the values and culture of the program. … Nearly all successful organizations have an inclusion statement or philosophy that establishes the platform for their values and identity.

From this we learn nothing new: Diversity and Inclusion are pure politics.

"What does commitment to diversity mean?" Answer (ellipsis original):

A real commitment to diversity means having diverse leadership. … Minorities who have the same level and quality of schooling as their non-minority peers are falling out of the leadership pipeline.

From this we learn that minorities at the same level and quality of schooling are not, presumably, as good at getting into the pipeline as non-minorities. So they must be crammed in regardless.

"What is statement of contributions to diversity?" Answer:

The purpose of the statement is to identify candidates who have the professional skills, experience, and/or willingness to engage in activities that will advance institutional diversity and equity goals.

From this we learn that those who are unwilling to play along with the politics of Diversity will find themselves unidentified. And therefore without jobs.

Item Prison slave labor: hey, if it's woke, it's fine.

"We go where the finest local materials meet the highest rate of poverty related crime."

Danes exploiting 3rd world female prison labor. I am still not sure if this is incredibly Based™ or incredibly Woke™. It's a Schroedinger's Wokeness quantum superposition of both.

— Woke Capital (@WokeCapital) February 8, 2019

Item "Compared to 2016, significantly fewer Americans feel that political violence is 'not at all' justified–with the largest decreases observed among liberals, democrats, moderates (wtf), and independents."

Compared to 2016, significantly fewer Americans feel that political violence is 'not at all' justified–with the largest decreases observed among liberals, democrats, moderates (wtf), and independents.

— Zach Goldberg (@ZachG932) February 9, 2019

Won't it be a surprise when the blows begin. Here's one fun example.

Item We are officially the stupidest civilization in all of human history

Adidas has pulled a sneaker it was selling in honor of Black History Month after the all-white running shoe was slammed on Twitter.

Has nobody noticed the February snows yet? And from the Update at the bottom:

So, should white boys still be allowed to share their "opinions"? Should we be forced to listen? In honor of Black History Month, I'm gonna go with a hell no.

Black privilege is not being put to good use. Look for it coming to an office near you.

from Climate Change Skeptic Blogs via hj on Inoreader

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