Saturday, February 16, 2019

FAZ Commentary: Germany Caught Up In Climate Protection Zeal… “Illusion It Can Rescue Planet”

German flagship daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) publisher Holger Steltzner wrote in an online commentary that the rescue of the global climate" has turned into a religious movement for "a large portion of German society".

In his commentary, Steltzner remarks that even questioning the hundreds of billions spent thus far with hardly any progress in CO2 reductions to show is enough to get yourself branded as a heretic.

Freedom of dissent under attack

The FAZ publisher also questions the branding skeptics of manmade global warming as "climate deniers", thus comparing them to Holocaust-deniers. He wonders: "Is this just the thoughtless use of language that abuses the historical break with civilization of the Shoah through banalization?"

Dissent over climate science in Germany is harshly scorned and the media and science community do not tolerate it.

In his commentary Steltzner reminds that man is in fact just one component in the complex climate system where huge natural factors are at play, and that the vast majority of skeptics do not even deny the climatic changes taking place today and how they are just as concerned about the environment as anyone else is.

Communist central planning

The trained business finance specialist and FAZ publisher writes that the German Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) has led to "price distortions, threatened grid stability and the writing off of modern power plants" and is accurately characterized as "eco-central planning".

Causing more environmental harm than good

And what is even worse is that the Energiewende is likely causing more environmental harm than good. For example forests are being cleared to make way for the industrialization of the country's once idyllic landscape, destroying biotopes with it. Stelzner adds that many Germans are filling up their cars with fuel that is 10% bio-fuel – which in turn leads to orangutans being shot dead so hat palm oil plantations can operate in places like Indonesia.

And according to Steltzer: "One fifth of Germany's agricultural land is used for growing bio fuels."

Another example of Germans trying to ease their conscience is the consumption of tofu in place of meat. He writes: "But weren't there rainforests in Brazil, where today one soy plantation follows the next?"

Other examples Steltzner cites are avocado plantations in Mexico or the lithium-ion battery "which is supposed to save the climate, and whose raw material extraction in Africa, Russia or South America is devastating entire regions."

"Illusion, religious zeal"

Steltzner also comments that it seems that environmental organizations have taken a page from the Vatican playbook, where in the past "believers could even acquire letters of indulgence for deceased people in order to wipe out sin penalties in purgatory."

"Today the purchase of carbon dioxide certificates protects you from being plagued by a bad conscience while shopping in London," Steltzner comments.

Though he perceives climate change as a real challenge, Steltzner summarizes by calling on Germany to "abandon the illusion that it can rescue the planet" and that "climate protection must not be driven with religious zeal".

from Climate Change Skeptic Blogs via hj on Inoreader

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