Tuesday, January 15, 2019

God & Science

Either God exists or He does not.

If He does not, then science does not matter. Nothing does. Anything anybody does is mere prejudice, whim. There is no good, there is no evil. There is no point in doing science, or in anything else.

Of course, you can claim that science is necessary (we're still assuming God does not exist), but that is, like, your opinion, man. To quote a higher authority. My opinion is that it doesn't matter. You may say that your opinion (joined with many others) outweighs mine, which is surely true. More people agree with you. But that "truth" is determined by vote is not itself true. Not that that matters. Nothing does.

It does not matter if everybody starves, or no one does. It does not matter if we make no new invention, or all old ones are destroyed. You may say that saving lives is the very purpose of science, but that is just so much hot air. All existence means nothing. The universe, since God is not there, is all there is, and the universe is nothing. It doesn't feel remorse or pity—or any emotion. It does not even not care that you exist. It can't care, one way or the other, since there is nothing there to care.

Any findings made by science—to use the most technical and terse word—are bullshit. So is this opinion, and so is your opinion. So is everything.

Do I make myself clear?

You say the economy should be high. I say, why? High or low, what's the difference? You'll be dead and gone and forgotten soon. See ya.

You say mass starvation is bad. I say, to whom? People live, people die. What possible difference can it make (now) or how? Let them die. Let them live. It's only molecules bouncing back and forth acting according to deterministic rules. You technically don't even exist. Only electrons and some other who-gives-a-damn particles do.

You saw you don't like pain? I say, stuff it, Nancy. Like the man said, Without God, everything is permitted. Maybe I like giving you pain. And I'm bigger than you, and way meaner. That you don't like pain doesn't mean squat. It's just another opinion. Pain is just nerve impulses, or whatever, which are meaningless. And the universe can't even not care.

If you or everybody dies in great pain tomorrow, so what? What's the big deal?

There is no deal. There is nothing. If God doesn't exist.

Now suppose God exists (the God of Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, and the other greatest minds of all time). Therefore a science that does not account for this most important, fundamental, crucial, consequential fact is at best a weak science, a lacking science, a science filled with holes. A science that pretends not to see its base, or that suddenly feigns deafness when hearing "God", is, in a word, incomplete.

This applies as strongly from the hard sciences as all the way down to those who dwell in the intellectual slums of academia.

Physics is operating only one leg suspended in space if it can't answer what is happening at base, because that base must be supported by pillars designed by God, or by God Himself. Scientists are increasingly starting to realize the role metaphysics must play if any future work is to progress. If physics doesn't meet metaphysics, it dies or becomes desultory.

The so-called mind-body "problem"—why qualia? what is intellect?—cannot be solved without references to what it means to have a mind, and that science by itself cannot provide. Not if that way is determined to ignore God. Which, you will remember, we are now assuming for the sake of argument, exists.

Why are people the way they are? How reliant is there intellect, which is non-material, on the body, which is? Psychology without God will never solve their fundamental puzzles either, not if they ignore the reason there is a reason for psychology. And this includes the evolutionary psychology beloved of reactionaries and (curiously) so-called scientific atheists.

There will never be such a thing as "hard" AI—not without the cooperation of God. For the kind of thinking that leads to thinking like us needs God.

All materialism is a dead end, if God exists. All so-called "ultimate" answers will be failures, frauds, and fallacies.

If God exists, and science says He doesn't, that science must fail eventually.

from Climate Change Skeptic Blogs via hj on Inoreader http://bit.ly/2RMFtSE

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