Friday, December 28, 2018

BBC’s Climate Activist Page

By Paul Homewood


h/t stewgreen





We know that, when it comes to climate change, much of the BBC's news output is biased, exaggerated or downright fake.

But now they have dropped all pretence that they are nothing more than a PR site for all things green.

Take the above page, which laughably is headed "BBC News", and sub-sectioned US & Canada.

Its headline item is a video from a self-confessed climate loon, who says he is fighting global warming by not having kids. On any semi-respectable news site, he would either be ignored or laughed at. He certainly would not be treated as a serious news item

But worse still, they have a series of five more climate videos at the top of the page. None of these are remotely news items. Instead they are activist propaganda, of the sort you would expect to see on the Greenpeace website.

Which pretty much sums up all BBC coverage on climate change!






The Looby Lou who filmed himself for the video comes from Prince Edward Island. His only complaint about the effect of climate change on the island is that "hurricanes are getting stronger".

Interestingly, NOAA have a map of all hurricane strikes on the US, which shows that there have been no strikes at all north of Rhode Island since 1969.

They don't extend the list to Canada, but it is strong evidence that global warming has not pushed hurricanes further north, or for that matter made them stronger in New England.

Notably, there have only been two major hurricanes that have made landfall north of N Carolina – Carol and Donna in 1954 and 1960 respectively.

from Climate Change Skeptic Blogs via hj on Inoreader

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